Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New Adventures!

WHEW! It sure has been a while since I've blogged! I guess I just felt like there hasn't really been anything to "write home about"... Until now I guess! I figured I would post about Mike's and I's "New Adventures" that we are having so much fun with!

Jenna's New Adventure: Francesca's Collections
After long discussion, Mike and I came to a decision that it would be beneficial if I went back to work full time has been almost 3 years since I have worked full time. After French Connection closed, I was on the hunt for "my perfect retail job" (if there is such a thing) After about 3 months, LOT'S and LOT'S of prayers, about 30,000 interviews, or so it seemed, and a few job offers that I didn't want later, I landed myself the exact job I was holding out for! It's blessings like this that make you realize that the Lord really does know each of us personally! :)

I have recently started working for an cute little boutique called Francesca's Collections! I HAVE SO MUCH FUN THERE! Retail has never been my cup of tea (I'm sure that comes as a shock to a lot of you, seeing as how that's all I have really done. On the contrary - it's the only profession I have experience with) However, as far as retail goes, this is definitely a step up compared to most places. My manager is SO much fun, we have the same personality type, so we get a long great, the product is FABULOUS, there are tons of cute clothes, fun trinkets, and marvelous accessories (earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings, etc) AND it's in a fun little outdoor mall RIGHT down the street from me, called The District at Green Valley Ranch. Its wonderful only having to drive 5 minutes to and from work, ESPECIALLY when gas prices are OUTRAGEOUS!
(Check out the website to see if there is one near you um, I know you will love it:)
(P.S. I have NO idea why this whole section is underlined, I didn't know how to fix it!)

This is a picture of The District at GVR

Mike's new adventure: Liquid Money Energy Drink

Mike is very creative and amazing ambitious and is constantly coming up with great ideas for higher income. He hasn't acted on any of them yet, until now. I know a lot of you have heard of this idea already because he plasters it all over facebook and texts. Him and a couple of his friends drink energy drinks every day,(for those of you who know Mike well, you know that caffeine really helps him chill out :)) and they were in a gas station and came up with this brilliant idea and quickly put it into production! They already have the drink flavor, color and can design(can design special thanks to his cousin T.C.). They have several investors interested and want to put in money, however they are going to try and get a few thousand cans without investors to start off. So here is the can design and logo!! I'm thrilled that I have a man who is so ambitious!